Archived EMS Concert Programs and Events
Electronic Music Studios Concert, January 31, 1970, 12:00 PM - University of Iowa Museum of Art
Electronic Music Studios Concert, March 13, 1971, 12:00 PM - Museum of Art
Electronic Music Studios Concert, February 19, 1973, 4:00 PM - Harper Hall
Electronic Music Studios Concert, July 16, 1973, 8:00 PM - Clapp Recital Hall, "Soundgames"
- "De Groot Variant XIV" [Patrick Purswell, flute; William Parsons, percussion; Jon English, trombone; Peter Tod Lewis, Moog synthesizer], improvisation
- "Un jeu d'echec" (A Game of Chess) [2 performers, electronic chess board, and 8-speakers; Peter Tod Lewis, performer; Lowell Cross, performer], John Cage
Electronic Music Studios Concert, October 26, 1973, 8:00 PM - Clapp Recital Hall, "Deep Sound"
Electronic Music Studios Concert, November 6, 1973, 8:00 PM - Clapp Recital Hall, "41st Annual Peter Lewis Scorpio Celebration"
- Soundmesse IV [synthesizer and 16-speaker sound-in-motion system], Peter Tod Lewis
Electronic Music Studios Concert, February 10, 1974, 8:00 PM - Clapp Recital Hall
- Balonie [4-channel tape], Michael Kowalski
- Meditation Music, Peter Elsea
- Study 11, Thomas Mintner
- Veil, Charles Turner
- Scorpio-bird - homage a David Tudor, Peter Tod Lewis
- Works by Lewis Nielson, Richard McCreary, Timothy Daniels, and Paul Dingman
Electronic Music Studios Concert, Monday, November 18, 1974, 8:00 PM - Harper Hall, "Tape-Concert"
Electronic Music Studios Concert, April 21, 1975, 8:00 PM - Clapp Recital Hall
Electronic Music Studios Concert, April 15, 1976, 9:00 PM and 10:30 PM - Hancher Auditorium Lobby, "Perpertusa"
Electronic Music Studios Concert, May 3, 1976, 3:00 PM - MB Room 1061, "Wet Sound"
Electronic Music Studios Concert, September 10, 1976, 8:00 PM - Harper Hall, "Program One"
Electronic Music Studios Concert, October 22, 1976, 8:00 PM - Harper Hall, "Program Two"
Electronic Music Studios Concert, February 11, 1977, 8:00 PM - MB Room 1061, "Concert Four"
Electronic Music Studios Concert, March 12, 1977, 8:00 PM - MB Room 1061, "Concert Five"
Including works by Alain Savouret, Francoise Barriere, and Christian Clozier, and "Arthesis" by Elaine Radigue
Electronic Music Studios Concert, April 8, 1977, 8:00 PM - MB Room 1061, "Concert Six"
Electronic Music Studios Concert, October 4, 1978, 8:00 PM - Harper Hall, "Program One"
Electronic Music Studios Concert, November 8, 1978, 8:00 PM - Harper Hall, "Program Two"
Electronic Music Studios Concert, December 6, 1978, 8:00 PM - Harper Hall, "Program Three"
Electronic Music Studios Concert, April 13, 1979, 8:00 PM - MB Room 1061, "Program Four"
Electronic Music Studios Concert, April 28, 1979, 8:00 PM - MB Room 1061, "Program Five"
Electronic Music Studios Concert, October 12, 1979, 8:00 PM - Harper Hall, "Program One"
Electronic Music Studios Concert, November 7, 1979, 4:45 PM - Harper Hall, "Program Two"
Electronic Music Studios Concert, December 4, 1979, 4:45 PM - Harper Hall, "Program Three"
Electronic Music Studios Concert, Feburary 9, 1980, - MB Room 1061, "Program Four"
Electronic Music Studios Concert, March 8, 1980, 8:00 PM - MB Room 1061, "Program Five"
Electronic Music Studios Concert, September 26, 1980, 8:00 PM - Clapp Recital Hall, "Program One"
Electronic Music Studios Concert, October 5, 1980, 2:00 PM - University of Iowa Museum of Art, "Perpertusa"
Electronic Music Studios Concert, November 13, 1980, 8:00 PM - Harper Hall
- Featuring La Groupe de musique experimentale de Marseille, including Jon Appleton, Michel Redolfi, Jaques Diennet, Royon le Mee, and Georges Beouf
- Includes:
- Songes [tape], Jean-Claude Risset
- Birth and Agony of My Night Lamp [tape], Michel Redolfi
- Soap Opera Soup [live electronics], Jaques Diennet and Royon le Mee
- Whoops! [homoparleur], Georges Beouf and Michel Redolfi
- Vava'u [Synclavier], Jon Appleton
Electronic Music Studios Concert, March 7, 1981, 8:00 PM - Voxman Hall, "Program Three"
Electronic Music Studios Concert, May 2, 1981, 8:00 PM - Voxman Hall, "Program Four"
Electronic Music Studios Concert, October 13, 1981, 8:00 PM - Clapp Recital Hall
Electronic Music Studios Concert, December 5, 1981, 8:00 PM - Voxman Hall
Electronic Music Studios Concert, March 13, 1982, 8:00 PM - Voxman Hall
Electronic Music Studios Concert, April 27, 1982, 8:00 PM - Clapp Recital Hall
Electronic Music Studios Concert, December 4, 1983, 8:00 PM - Voxman Hall, "Piece Demonstration"
Including works by Carlos Cuellar, Brian Jones, Peter Lioubin, Russ Pedigo, Jeff Mumm, David Martin, Charles Barker, Michael Schell, and Michael Farley
Experimental Music Studios Concert, December 8, 1984, 8:00 PM - Clapp Recital Hall, "Scratch One"
- Steel Worker's Blues [slides and tape], Michael Farley, William C. Park, and 1982-3 EMS class
Experimental Music Studios Concert, February 8, 1986, 8:00 PM - Voxman Hall
Experimental Music Studios and Cognitive Studies Seminar Concert, February 28, 1991, 8:30 PM - Voxman Hall, "Alternative Offerings"
Experimental Music Studios and Cognitive Studies Seminar Concert, March 1, 1991, 8:00 PM - Choral Room, Voxman Music Building, "Alternative Offerings"
Experimental Music Studios and Cognitive Studies Seminar Concert, March 2, 1991, 8:30 PM - Voxman Hall, "Alternative Offerings"
Experimental Music Studios Concert, October 27, 1991, 8:00 PM - Voxman Hall
Experimental Music Studios Concert, January 26, 1992, 8:00 PM - Voxman Hall
Experimental Music Studios Concert, February 9, 1992, 8:00 PM - 1077 Voxman Music Building
- 16 (Speakers)/Fiesta [tape], Robert Paredes
- Forgetting and Remembering [tape], Robert Paredes
Experimental Music Studios Concert, March 15, 1992, 8:00 PM - Voxman Hall
Experimental Music Studios Concert, April 12, 1992, 8:00 PM - Voxman Hall
Experimental Music Studios Concert, May 15, 1992, 8:00 PM - Clapp Recital Hall
- Melody [tape], Kirk Corey
- Is this a thesis yet? [film and tape], Kirk Corey
- Chaotic Kaleidoscope [tape], Kirk Corey
- Reliable Irregularity [tape], Kirk Corey
- I Have A Lot of Mursic Left For You To Hear [tape], Kirk Corey
Experimental Music Studios Concert, May 6, 1994, 8:00 PM - Harper Hall
"A Concert of Electronic Works" by Lawrence Fritts, November 14, 1994, 8:00 PM - Clapp Recital Hall
Electronic Music Studios Concert, December 7, 1995, 8:00 PM - Clapp Recital Hall
Midwest Composers Symposium, November 1996 - Indiana University, Bloomington
- Concatenation [tape], David Maki
- Covered in Vinyl [tape], John Kramer
Composers Workshop Concert, November 24, 1996 - Clapp Recital Hall
- isolate [tape], Ralph Kendrick
Electronic Music Studios Concert, December 10, 1996, 8:00 PM - Clapp Recital Hall
Composers Workshop Concert, February 23, 1997 - Clapp Recital Hall
- Crescent's Wake [tape], Matthew Hallaron
- Gasp! [tape], Andrew Hauschild
Composers Workshop Concert, April 28, 1997 - Clapp Recital Hall
- Noka [tape], Chee-swen Cheng
Electronic Music Studios Concert, May 6, 1997, 8:00 PM - Clapp Recital Hall
Composers Workshop Concert, October 12, 1997 - Clapp Recital Hall
- Pipeline [trumpet and tape; Michael Flynt, trumpet], John Allemeier
- Now Here is Nowhere [double bass and tape; Sonia Rey, bass], Matt Hallaron
- Study for Piano and Tape [piano and tape; John Kramer, piano], John Kramer
Midwest Composers Symposium, November 7-9, 1997 - Oberlin College
- Now Here is Nowhere [double bass and tape; Sonia Rey, bass], Matt Hallaron
- Gasp! [tape], Andrew Hauschild
- a scent of lilacs drifts the banks of county 272 [tape], Scott Adamson
Electronic Music Studios Concert, December 9, 1997, 8:00 PM - Clapp Recital Hall
Composers Workshop Concert, February 21, 1998 - Clapp Recital Hall
- Attempt #87 at the Destruction of High Art [performers, tape, and live electronics], Hagan Myers
Composers Workshop Concert, May 3, 1998 - Harper Hall
- Steps of river ships hunting in the flood [tape], Scott Adamson
Composers Workshop Concert, September 27, 1998, 8:00 PM - Clapp Recital Hall
- Elevator Operator [tape], Mark Chubb
International Computer Music Conference, October 1-6, 1998 - University of Michgan, Ann Arbor
Work by Scott Adamson
Midwest Composers Symposium, November 6-7, 1998, 8:00 PM - Clapp Recital Hall
- Stress Relations [two violins and tape; Jennifer Baek and Quentin Arnold, violins], Mark Chubb
Electronic Music Studios Concert, November 8, 1998, 8:00 PM - Clapp Recital Hall, "In Celebration of SEAMUS Electroacoustic Music Month"
- The Rose Village [video], Matt Malsky
- Steps of river ships hunting in the flood [tape], Scott Adamson
- Possession [baritone and tape; Joss Nichols, baritone], Joss Nichols
- Reverence Evolution [percussion and tape; Scott Morgan, percussion], Scott Morgan
- Nine Secrets [guitar and tape; John Ritz, guitar], John Ritz
- A Mobile Strung With Bird Then Bird [tape], Jesse Seldress
- Eleatics [tape], Lawrence Fritts
- Stress Relations [two violins and tape; Jennifer Baek and Quentin Arnold, violins], Mark Chubb
Electronic Music Studios Concert, February 19, 1999, 8:00 PM - Clapp Recital Hall
Center for New Music Concert, April 11, 1999, 3:30 PM - Clapp Recital Hall
Charles Dodge, Guest Composer
- Speech Songs [tape]
- Clarinet Elegy [clarinet and tape; recording by Joan La Barbara, soprano]
- Fades, Dissolves, Fizzles [tape]
- Any Resemblance Is Purely Coincidental [piano and tape; Laura Tiong, piano]
Masterclasses with Charles Dodge, April 12-13, 1999 - EMS Studios 1 and 2
With Michael Cash, Eric Durian, Albin Jones, Evangelia Kikou, Alexandre Lunsqui, John Ritz, Dimitri Papageorgiu
Composers Workshop Concert, April 18, 1999, 8:00 PM - Clapp Recital Hall
Collision Fragments [MIDI piano and tape], Eric Durian
Composers Workshop Concert, October 24, 1999, 8:00 PM - Clapp Recital Hall
- Nazi Drawings [tape], Michael Cash
- face-desk STRUM stunt [tape], Rob Bennett
- 2nd Etude [tape], Michael Cash
- Arte Combinada for Bass Trombone and Tape [bass trombone and tape], Alexandre Lunsqui
- De Aquis Temporia [organ and tape; Beverly Everett, organ], Michael Cash
Midwest Composers Symposium, October 30, 1999 - University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Works by Michael Cash, Edgar Crockett, John Ritz, Dimitri Papageorgiu
Trombone and Electronics, Aaron Nuss, November 19, 1999, 6:30 PM - Harper Hall
- Animus 1 [trombone and tape], Jacob Druckman
- Tape and Trombone, Morgan Stine
- The Great Conflict [trombone and quadrophonic tape], Timothy Place
Composers Workshop Concert, December 12, 1999, 8:00 PM - Clapp Recital Hall
- Antithesis [piano and tape; Laura Tiong, piano], Evangelia Kikou
- Ganesh, Manju, and Mary [viola and tape; Amy Rucinski, viola], Amy Rucinski
- comin' through the hallway [tape], Rob Bennett
- Tape and Trombone [Todd Lippert, trombone], Morgan Stine
Electronic Music Studios Concert, January 30, 2000, 8:00 PM - Clapp Recital Hall
- Slope-Cluster-Spiral [flute and tape; Tamara Chadima, flute], John Ritz
- De Aquis Temporis [tape], Michael S. Cash
- KYLANG [bass and tape; Kyle Gassiott, bass], Dimitri Papageorgiu
- Sarah laughed [tape], Evan Mazunik
- Three Vignettes [trumpet and tape; Edgar Crockett, trumpet], Edgar Crockett
- Media Survival Kit [tape], James Dashow
- Anthisi [piano and tape; Laura Tiong, piano], Evangelia Kikou
- Arte Combinada [trombone and tape; Paul Pollard, trombone], Alexendre Lunsqui
Composers Workshop Concert, March 5, 2000, 8:00 PM - Clapp Recital Hall
- Third Etude for Tape, Michael Cash
Electronic Music Studios Lecture, March 30, 2000, 3:30 PM - EMS Studio I
Matt Malsky, Guest Composer
Composers Workshop Concert, April 9, 2000, 8:00 PM - Clapp Recital Hall
- Hymn to Cecilia [tape], Michael Cash
Composers Workshop Concert, April 30, 2000 - Maharishi University
- Hymn to Cecilia [tape], Michael Cash
Masterclass with Scott A. Wyatt, October 20, 2000, 11:00 AM - EMS Studio I
With Rob Bennett, Michael Cash, John Ritz
Composers Workshop Concert, October 29, 2000, 8:00 PM - Clapp Recital Hall
- Three Etudes [tape], Michael Cash
- Pet Sounds [tape], Rob Bennett
- Ma'aleh [tape], John Ritz
Composers Workshop Concert, December 10, 2000, 8:00 PM - Clapp Recital Hall
- Segment-09 [tape], Christopher Brakel
Electronic Music Studios Concert, February 16, 2001, 8:00 PM - Clapp Recital Hall
- Segment-09 [tape], Christopher D. Brakel
- Sammic Tort [tape], Timothy Fisher
- a well-devised trap [tape], John Ritz
- Crim [tape], Erin Gee
- Pernicious Infinities [tape], Matt Groves
- Invisible Pathways [tape], Christopher D. Brakel
- Disquiet Meditation [tape], Michael Cash
- UnfoldEntwine [tape], Diane Thome
Composers Workshop Concert, Feburary 18, 2001 - Maharishi University
- Flutter Horizon [tape], John Ritz
- Mushrooms for Supper: Dinner with John Cage [tape], Michael Cash
- Kylang [contrabass and tape; Kyle Gassiott, bass], Dimitri Papageorgiu
- Invisible Pathways [tape], Christopher Brakel
Classe d'Acousmatique du CNR de Perpignan, March 29, 2001 - Conservatoire National de Region de Perpignan, France
- Cambodge: Premieres Impressions [tape], Fabien Portes
- Rio de Los Pajaros [tape], Beatriz Ferrerya
- Omaggio a Berio [tape], Francesco Biasiol
- Sachons Chasser [tape], Christophe Barriere
- Rio de Los Pajaros Secondidos [tape], Beatriz Ferrerya
- Mushrooms for Supper: Dinner with John Cage [tape], Michael Cash
- ...en cours... [tape], David Behar
- Hypermnesie ou les Cheveux d'Anna Karenine [tape], Mariln Mamana
Classe d'Acousmatique du CNR de Perpignan, March 30, 2001 - Conservatoire National de Region de Perpignan, France
- Les Images Sont [tape], Jean-Pierre Boisard
- Flutter Horizon [tape], John Ritz
- Echos [tape], Beatriz Ferrerya
- Dune [tape], Alban Picod
- Pet Sounds [tape], Rob Bennett
Center for New Music Concert, April 1, 2001, 8:00 PM - Clapp Recital Hall
James Dashow, Guest Composer. Including:
- Archimedes - A Planetarium Opera [tape], James Dashow
- Sul Filo dei Tramonti [soprano, piano, and tape; Kristie Tigges, soprano, Yun-Pai Hsu, piano], James Dashow
- Manao Tupapau [flute, percussion, and tape; Antonio Guimaraes, flute; Joe Donald, percussion], Mauro Cardi
- Far Sounds, Broken Cries [ensemble and tape; David Gompper, conductor], James Dashow
Electronic Music Studios Concert, April 2, 2001, 8:00 PM - Clapp Recital Hall, "New Electroacoustic Music from Italy"
- Natura Morta con Specchio [piano and live electronics; Sven Thomas Kiebler, piano], Giuseppe Gavazza
- Controfiato [tape], Michelangelo Lupone
- Studio n.2a [live processed bass recorder; Antonello Politano, bass recorder], Emanuele Casale
- IV Felix Regula [flute, clarinet, violin, and electronic processing], Roberto Doati
- Le Tracce di Kronos [clarinet, dancer, and computer; William O. Smith, clarinet], James Dashow
- Natura allo Sprecchio [tape], Agostino di Scipio
Masterclass with James Dashow, April 3, 2001, 11:00 AM - EMS Studio I
With Christopher Brakel, Timothy Fisher, John Ritz
Electronic Music Studios Concert, April 12, 2001, 8:00 PM - Clapp Recital Hall, "Exchange Concert with Conservatoire National de Region de Perpignan, France and Conservatorio Giuseppe Tartini, Trieste, Italy"
- Omaggio a Berio [tape], Francesco Biasol
- Puvir une Breche-la peur [tape], David Behar
- Flutter Horizon [tape], John Ritz
- Miniatures [tape] Valentin Bontchev
- Creazione [tape], Matteo Fanni Canelles
- Mushrooms for Supper: Dinner with John Cage [tape], Michael Cash
- Evolusion [tape], Christophe Barriere
- su. [tape], Giorgio Klauer
- Prema [tape], Federico Passera
- Pet Sounds [tape], Rob Bennett
Composers Workshop Concert, April 29, 2001 - Clapp Recital Hall
- Field Study [piano and tape; Evan Mazunik, piano], Michael Cash
- In Lieu of Birth [tape], Timothy Fisher
- Into the Void [tape], Christopher Brakel
Concerto Scambio, May 28, 2001 - Conservatorio Giussepe Tartini, Trieste, Italy
With the University of Iowa and Conservatoire National de Region de Perpignan, France
- Omaggio a Berio [tape], Francesco Biasol
- Puvir une Breche-la peur [tape], David Behar
- Flutter Horizon [tape], John Ritz
- Miniatures [tape] Valentin Bontchev
- Creazione [tape], Matteo Fanni Canelles
- Mushrooms for Supper: Dinner with John Cage [tape], Michael Cash
- Evolusion [tape], Christophe Barriere
- su. [tape], Giorgio Klauer
- Prema [tape], Federico Passera
- Pet Sounds [tape], Rob Bennett
Composers Workshop Concert, October 7, 2001 - Clapp Recital Hall
- In the Temple of Venus [video], Michael Cash
- The Wasteland [tape], Tohm Judson
- Kaleidoscope [tape], Michael Cash
Society of Composers, Inc. Student Chapter at the University of Iowa, November 12, 2001 - Kirkwood Community College, Cedar Rapids, Iowa
- The Wasteland [tape], Tohm Judson
- Desert Train [tape], Yousif Elmosely
- Invisible Pathways [tape], Christopher Brakel
- Mushrooms for Supper: Dinner with John Cage [tape], Michael Cash
Electronic Music Studios Concert, November 27, 2001, 8:00 PM - Clapp Recital Hall, "In Celebration of SEAMUS Electroacoustic Music Month"
- Mappaemundi [video], Lawrence Fritts
- Circuits [tape], Tohm Judson
- Aphoristic Fragment Il [video], Mark Applebaum
- Arturo [tape], Elainie Lillios
- Heavy Metal [video], Kristine H. Burns
- Dead White Males Remix [tape], Mark Applebaum
- Life-Drawing [flute and tape; Tadeu Coelho, flute], Lawrence Fritts
Celestial Bodies: Advanced Choreographic Design Concert, December 7-8, 2001, 8:00 PM - Space Place
- The Sun [chamber ensemble and tape], John Ritz
- The Moon [chamber ensemble and tape], Timothy Fisher
- The Stars [chamber ensemble and tape], Michael Cash
Composers Workshop Concert, December 9, 2001 - Clapp Recital Hall
Circuits [dancers and tape], Tohm Judson
Syntax 1.1: L'art des sons, December 12, 2001 - Conservatoire National de Region de Perpignan, France
- Invisible Pathways [tape], Christopher Brakel
- Commencements 1 [tape], Alexandre Yterce
- XVI [tape], David Behar
- Evell-Intention [tape], Alexandre Yterce
- The Wasteland [tape], Tohm Judson
- La 25seme heure [tape], Jean-Pierre Boisard
Syntax 1.1: L'art des sons, December 13, 2001 - Conservatoire National de Region de Perpignan, France
- Khitamoha [tape], Yousif Bilal
- Commencements 3 [tape], Alexandre Yterce
- Trois Breves de temps [tape], Clement Riot
- Brulures des langues [tape], Alexandre Yterce
- In Lieu of Birth [tape], Tim Fisher
- Chapitre XIII [tape], Valentin Bontchev
Electronic Music Studios Concert, February 5, 2002, 8:00 PM - Clapp Recital Hall
- Aggies, Alleys, Brandies [tape], M. B. Jenkins
- tracciere le strutture [tape], Karen A. Koch
- Arcos I [tape], Jean-Paul Perrotte
- Desert Train [tape], Yousif Elmosely
- Electronic Confusion [tape], Jermaine Maxwell
- Fall from Grace [tape], Matt Ertz
- Still Learning [tape], Ari Weinberg
Midwest Composers Symposium, February 15-16, 2002 - Indiana University
- Desert Train [tape], Yousif Elmosely
- Circuits [tape], Tohm Judson
- Composition for Cello and Tape [Maggie Darby, cello], John Ritz
Masterclass with Paul Rudy, April 3, 2002, 3:30 PM - EMS Studio I
With Billy Gomberg, Karen Koch, and others
SEAMUS 2002 National Conference, April 4-6, 2002 - University of Iowa
- Circuits [tape], Tohm Judson
- Invisible Pathways [tape], Christopher Brakel
SEAMUS 2002 National Conference, April 4, 2002, 1:30 PM - University of Iowa
University of Iowa Curated Concert, presented by Christopher Brakel and Tohm Judson
- Aggies, Alleys, Brandies [tape], M. B. Jenkins
- tracciere le strutture [tape], Karen A. Koch
- Arcos I [tape], Jean-Paul Perrotte
- Composition for Cello and Tape [Maggie Darby, cello], John Ritz
Masterclass with Denis Smalley, April 5, 2002, 8:30 AM - EMS Studio I
With Christopher Brakel, Andy Jasinski, Jean-Paul Perrotte, John Ritz
Concerto Scambio, April 9, 2002 - Conservatorio Giuseppe Tartini, Trieste, Italy
With the University of Iowa and Conservatoire National de Region de Perpignan, France, including:
- In Lieu of Birth [tape], Tim Fisher
- The Wasteland [tape], Tohm Judson
- Invisible Pathways [tape], Christopher Brakel
Colloque 2002 International Bassoon Concert, May 20, 2002 - l'École Nationale de Musique D'Angoulême, France
Including: Tohm Judson, Jean-Paul Perrotte, and Billy Gomberg
Concerto Scambio, June 1, 2002 - Conservatorio Giuseppe Tartini, Trieste, Italy
The University of Iowa at the Conservatoire National de Region de Perpignan, France, including:
- Transformations [tape], Joseph Dangerfield
- Don't Forget to Breathe [tape], Michael Osler
- Page Turner [tape], Peter Rosewall
- then I shall see face to face [8-channel tape], Scott A. Shoemaker
- A Digression [tape], Andrew Struck-Marcell
- Electric Sonata [tape], Evan Kuchar
- Sine Language [tape], Luke Dahn
- Brief Intermission [tape], Chris Diehl
Lecture and Masterclass with Kevin Blechdom, September 4, 2002, 3:30 PM - EMS Studio I
Electronic Music Studios Concert, September 8, 2002, 8:00 PM - Clapp Recital Hall
- Expectations [tape], Christopher Bock
- I Walk Forward, Pointing to My Mask [tape], Billy Gomberg
- Cuts and Waves of Salt Water [tape], Jean-Paul Perrotte
- Evolution [tape], Mike Jedlicka
- Chess Piece [tape], Nikolas Francis
- Res Cogitans [tape], Anthony Nussbaum
- Anthropomorphic [tape], Karen A. Koch
- Evolution (46+2) [tape], Tohm Judson
Electronic Music Studios Concert, November 9, 2002, 8:00 PM - Clapp Recital Hall
Composers' Workshop Concert, November 24, 2002, 8:00 PM - Clapp Recital Hall
Lecture and Masterclass with Andrew May, December 2, 3:30 PM - EMS Studio I
Lecture and Masterclass with Elizabeth McNutt, December 4, 2002, 3:30 PM - Harper Hall
Advanced Choreographic Design Concert, December 13-14, 2002, 8:00 PM - Space Place
- Random [f] [live electronics], Tohm Judson
- Construction [tape and oboe], Tim Fischer
Midwest Composers Symposium, February 14-15, 2003 - Oberlin College
- Broward County #3 [tape], Tohm Judson
- Cuts and Waves of Salt Water [tape], Jean-Paul Perrotte
- Uncivil War [tape and live percussion], Yousif Bilal
- Genesis of a Memory [tape and metalophone], Andrew Struck-Marcell
Spatial Intersections: Electronic Music Meets Intermedia, February 27, 2003, 7:30 PM - Museum of Art
- P.C.M--Pulse Code Modulation [video], Joao Castro Pinto
- Abstract Arm Video, Joe Hall
- Untitled [video], Tohm Judson and Owen Robertson
- In.stru.ment.ex.peri.ment.#1, Mark McCusker
- Akoll Tapoze Yitsoung (crypto-adaptation mix), Matthew Butler
- Transformations [video], Joseph Dangerfield, Karen A. Koch
- Trains Go By [video], Jean-Paul Perrotte, Jacob Hansley
- Genesis of a Memory [tape and metalophone], Andrew Struck-Marcell
- untitled 2/27/03 [video], Karen A. Koch
- ION GLAM CONTINENT my air/my self [live electronics and video], Billy Gomberg and Kelli Spengler
Black: Dance Concert - March 27-29, 2003, 8:00 PM - Space Place
- Music by Michael Cash
Florida Electroacoustic Music Festival, April 5, 2003 - University of Florida
University of Iowa Curated Concert Program
- Broward County #3 [tape], Tohm Judson
- Cuts and Waves of Salt Water [tape], Jean-Paul Perrotte
- Lucent Reflections [video], Karen A. Koch
- Transformations [tape], Joseph Dangerfield
- Genesis of a Memory [tape and metalophone], Andrew Struck-Marcell
- Prescribed Upper Limits [tape], Andrew Jasinski
- Simple Matter [Tape], Lawrence Fritts
- Let me see no less of water (with open hands, with tears) in white in flames [live electronics], Billy Gomberg
Composers Workshop, April 13, 2003, 8:00 PM - Clapp Recital Hall
- Genesis of a Memory [tape and metalophone], Andrew Struck-Marcell
- Black Maps [tape], Michael Cash
The Constructivist: Dance Concert - April 24, 2003, 8:00 PM - Space Place
Music by Tim Fischer
All University String Orchestra & Philharmonia, May 4, 2003, 3:00 PM - Clapp Recital Hall
- Remain [orchestra and tape], Tohm Judson
Electronic Music Studios Concert, May 9, 2003, 8:00 PM - Clapp Recital Hall
- Maps [piano and double bass], Martin McGinn
- Lucent Reflections [video], Karen A. Koch
- Experiment for Glasses and Tape, Matthew Butler
- Storming the Gates of Fear and Loathing [tape], Mike Jedlicka
- dialogue melody dissection [double bass and electronics], Mark Urness
- Aquaphotonic Exploration as Treelife [chamber ensemble and electronics], Nikolas Francis
- The Constructivist: Part 1 [tape], Tim Fischer
- Simple Matter [tape], Lawrence Fritts
- Let me see no less of water (with open hands, with tears) in white in flames [live electronics], Billy Gomberg
Trojan Women Retold, October 9-11, 2003, 8:00 PM, and October 12, 2003, 3:00 PM - David Thayer Theatre
- Directed by William Barbour
- Music by Evan Mazunek and Andrew Struck-Marcell
"Blue Soap" and "Sound System", October 16, 2003, 7:30 PM - Museum of Art
- Music by Chris Cozier and Tohm Judson
Masterclass with Alessandro Cipriani and University of Iowa Electronic Music and Intermedia Students, October 27, 2003, 11:30 AM - EMS Studio I
Lecture by Alessandro Cipriani on Edison Studio's Work on The Last Days of Pompeii, October 27, 2003, 3:30 PM - EMS Studio I
Masterclass with Alessandro Cipriani and Fabio Cifarello Ciardi, October 28, 2003, 10:30 AM - EMS Studio I
Lecture by Alessandro Cipriani on The Relation Between Sound and Image in the Sound Research Seminar, October 28, 2003, 3:30 PM - 101 Becker Communication Studies Building
Masterclass with Fabio Cifarello Ciardi, October 28, 2003, 3:30 PM - EMS Studio I
Midwest Composers Symposium, November 8, 2003, 8:00 PM - Clapp Recital Hall
- The Rib of Adam [tape], Tohm Judson
Advanced Choreographic Design Concert, December 11-13, 2003, 8:00 PM - Space Place
- Music by Andrew Struck-Marcell
Electronic Music Studios Concert, February 1, 2004, 8:00 PM - Clapp Recital Hall
Electronic Music Studios Concert, May 2, 2004, 8:00 PM - Clapp Recital Hall
Electronic Music Studios Concert, October 26, 2004, 8:00 PM - Clapp Recital Hall, "Exchange Concert"
Electronic Music Studios Concert, January 25, 2005, 8:00 PM - Clapp Recital Hall
Electronic Music Studios Concert, September 4, 2005, 8:00 PM - Clapp Recital Hall
Electronic Music Studios Concert, November 17, 2005, 8:00 PM - Clapp Recital Hall
Electronic Music Studios Concert, January 29, 2006, 8:00 PM - Clapp Recital Hall
Electronic Music Studios Concert, April 30, 2006, 8:00 PM - Clapp Recital Hall
Spatial Intersections III, May 12, 2006, 7:30 PM - Museum of Art
Spatial Intersections IV, October 26, 2006, 7:30 PM - Museum of Art
Electronic Music Studios Concert, November 16, 2006, 8:00 PM - Clapp Recital Hall
Electronic Music Studios Concert, January 28, 2007, 8:00 PM - Clapp Recital Hall
Electronic Music Studios Concert, April 15, 2007, 8:00 PM - Clapp Recital Hall
Electronic Music Studios Concert, September 2, 2007, 8:00 PM - Clapp Recital Hall
Electronic Music Studios Concert, February 3, 2008, 8:00 PM - Clapp Recital Hall
Electronic Music Studios Concert, April 26, 2008, 3:00 PM - Clapp Recital Hall
Electronic Music Studios Concert, December 3, 2016, 7:30 PM — Voxman Music Building, Concert Hall
Electronic Music Studios Concert, April 16, 2017, 7:30 PM — Voxman Music Building, Concert Hall
Electronic Music Studios Concert, May 7, 2017, 7:30 PM — Voxman Music Building, Stark Opera Studio